Monday 22 December 2014

Destination Panama

Dec 9th - Finally our trip to Panama planned last July is now upon us. Decided to start out towards Quebec City earlier than expected due to one of our famous Nor'Easter heading our way. Forecast for Southern NB was for rain but Northern areas expect 30 to 50 cm of snow /freezing rain just a regular mix cocktail as they are calling it.   Arrived in C'ton around 7pm with just light snow starting to show itself. All in all, the right decision was taken.  Thanks to the convincing of my travel partner.

Dec 10th in Campbellton - Storm in full swing as they say. Had breakfast and just hung around the house until after lunch then out to shovel, clean off cars and driveway.  Already about 30cm of snow and now starting with the freezing rain/rain. Weather forecast for tomorrow departure for Quebec City still not very good and as we listen to news reports find out that highway 20 between Montmagny and Quebec is close due to accidents, freezing rain and such. Nice evening spent with Denis and Denise and as they say tomorrow is another day

Dec 11th  in Campbellton - WOW. Still storming with some freezing rain and rain but temperature on the plus's side so our plan is to leave around 10ish and head up slowly and safely. Highway 20 still closed but hopefully open before we get there. Well highway wasn' t all that bad after all. Snow packed but melting until about Edmundston then down to wet pave balance of trip. Highway 20 open about an hour before we got there and must say have never seen so many trucks heading East. They were in convoys of 6 to 8 trucks,  I'm guessing for at least 50 miles or so, seriously never seen so many at one time. Ended up arriving around 1630 for total drive time of 6hrs 45mins with few stops enroute. Met up with Fern and Huguette for a planned supper and had a great evening.  Stayed at Cofortel which provides continental breakfast and weeklong parking for travellers.  

Dec 12th Quebec City-  Travel day today Flight WG770 Quebec City to Panama. Flight schedule on time with flight time of 5hrs30mins temperature departing QC -1 freezing rain, temperature arriving Panama +31 humid ex +34. Man I can handle that easily  Anyhow very uneventful flight, met a few nice people which I'm sure we will see again at our resort as this is SunWing maiden flight to Playa Blanca and the RIU resort. Considering full Boeing 727 coming to the same resort checked in was relatively fast

Hotel RIU in Playa Blanca is new and very modern so not much life to it in our view.  Feels very square and concrete to us if you know what I mean but so far not too disappointed. Buffet was great. A la carte disappointing.

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